How to Create a MetaHuman in Unreal Engine Using Gaussian Splatting Scene from Luma AI:


How to Create a MetaHuman in Unreal Engine Using Gaussian Splatting Scene from Luma AI:

To generate a MetaHuman in Unreal Engine, leveraging a Gaussian splatting scene captured by Luma AI, the process involves selecting the optimal file extension for exporting into MetaHuman in Unreal. This ensures the highest fidelity of the captured scene and subsequently facilitates the creation of a detailed MetaHuman model.

Integrating Language Models (LLM) like ChatGPT or Bard into Unreal Engine:

To infuse intelligent conversational capabilities into the Unreal Engine environment, integrating sophisticated language models (LLM) such as ChatGPT or Bard becomes essential. This integration is achieved through APIs, exploring both paid and potentially free alternatives for enhanced flexibility.

Implementing Voice Input, Speech-to-Text, and Expressive Output:

Building a system that allows user interaction through voice input involves employing Unreal Engine's audio and speech recognition functionalities. After transcribing the spoken input using a speech-to-text system, the challenge lies in enabling the MetaHuman to articulate responses with not just text, but also through facial expressions, lip sync, and emotive nuances. Achieving this level of realism may require specialized software for high-fidelity lip syncing results.

Constructing the System and Hosting on HTML5:

Developing the system involves creating a blueprint or codebase within Unreal Engine, orchestrating API calls, and ensuring seamless synchronization between user input, language model responses, and MetaHuman animations. Following system construction, exporting the project using Unreal Engine's HTML5 functionality prepares it for web deployment, allowing it to be hosted on a specified domain.

Deploying the Application to Play Store and App Store:

For wider accessibility, the application can be packaged for deployment on mobile platforms. This entails creating an Android package (APK) for the Google Play Store and an iOS package (IPA) for submission to the Apple App Store. Adhering to the submission guidelines of each platform is crucial to ensure compliance with app store regulations and optimize the app for a smooth user experience on mobile devices.

By following these steps, developers can seamlessly integrate cutting-edge technologies, creating a lifelike interactive experience that encompasses MetaHuman creation, intelligent language models, and expressive animations within the Unreal Engine environment. Additionally, deploying the application to web and mobile platforms broadens its reach, providing users with an immersive and engaging digital experience.

Capturing a Scene with Luma AI and Exporting to MetaHuman:

Use Luma AI or any other tool for capturing a scene based on Gaussian splatting.

Export the scene in a format compatible with Unreal Engine. Common formats include FBX or OBJ.

Creating Detailed MetaHuman:

Use Unreal Engine's MetaHuman Creator or import a MetaHuman sample.

Customize the MetaHuman's appearance, including details like hair, eyes, and clothing.

Integrating LLM (ChatGPT or Bard) into Unreal Engine:

Utilize the OpenAI GPT-3 or Bard API for text-based language model integration.

Implement API calls in Unreal Engine using HTTP requests or a plugin.

Voice Input, Speech-to-Text, and Lip Sync:

Use Unreal Engine's audio and speech recognition capabilities.

Implement a speech-to-text system, and then convert the text to facial animations using Unreal's animation tools.

You might need additional software for high-quality lip syncing.

Building the System:

Create a blueprint or coding system in Unreal Engine to handle user input, API calls, and facial animations.

Implement a dialogue system that can manage responses from the language model.

Hosting as HTML5:

Use Unreal Engine's HTML5 export feature to package your project for the web.

Deploy the HTML5 project to a web server or domain.

Deploying to Play Store and App Store:

For mobile deployment, package your project for Android (APK) for the Play Store and iOS for the App Store.

Follow the submission guidelines for each platform.


Licensing: Ensure compliance with OpenAI's API terms of use.

Performance: Optimize your project for performance, especially for mobile platforms.

Legal: Be aware of any legal considerations related to the use of AI models and data privacy.

Note: Creating such a system involves expertise in 3D design, Unreal Engine, AI integration, and app deployment. It may be beneficial to work with a team with skills in these areas or seek assistance from professionals.

This is a high-level overview, and each step involves considerable details and potential challenges. You may need to refer to the documentation of the tools and services you're using and potentially seek help from relevant communities or forums for specific issues.

Scene Capture with Luma AI and Export to MetaHuman:

Employ Luma AI or a comparable technology to employ Gaussian splatting for scene capture.

Opt for an export format, such as FBX or OBJ, most compatible with Unreal Engine's MetaHuman framework.

Highly Detailed MetaHuman Creation:

Utilize Unreal Engine's MetaHuman Creator or import a pre-existing MetaHuman model.

Meticulously tailor the MetaHuman's visual attributes, encompassing intricate details like hair, ocular features, and attire.

Integration of LLM (ChatGPT or Bard) into Unreal Engine:

Integrate the language model (LLM) - whether ChatGPT, Bard, or an alternative - into Unreal Engine using an API interface.

Implement API calls within Unreal Engine, employing either HTTP requests or a dedicated plugin for streamlined communication.

Voice Input, Speech-to-Text, and Facial Animation:

Leverage Unreal Engine's built-in audio and speech recognition capabilities.

Develop a robust speech-to-text system and subsequently convert the transcribed text into nuanced facial animations, incorporating lip sync and emotive expressions.

Consider employing specialized software for achieving high-fidelity lip syncing results.

System Construction:

Construct a blueprint or codebase within Unreal Engine to manage user input, orchestrate API interactions, and synchronize facial animations with linguistic responses.

Implement a dynamic dialogue system adept at handling responses generated by the language model.

Hosting as HTML5:

Leverage Unreal Engine's HTML5 export functionality to package the project for web deployment.

Facilitate deployment by hosting the HTML5 project on a designated domain or web server.

Deployment to Play Store and App Store:

Package the project into Android (APK) format for deployment on the Google Play Store and iOS format for submission to the Apple App Store.

Adhere to the submission guidelines of each platform, ensuring compliance with respective app store regulations.

Considerations and Optimization:

Scrutinize licensing agreements, especially pertaining to OpenAI's API usage.

Optimize the project for performance, especially considering resource constraints on mobile platforms.

Adhere to legal considerations, particularly regarding AI models and data privacy.

This refined formulation takes into account the intricacies and technical nuances of each step, providing a more comprehensive guide for the development of the specified system.

Scene Capture with Luma AI and Export to MetaHuman

Utilize Luma AI or a comparable technology to employ Gaussian splatting for scene capture.

Export the captured data in an FBX or OBJ format, which is compatible with Unreal Engine's MetaHuman framework.

Highly Detailed MetaHuman Creation

Use Unreal Engine's MetaHuman Creator to generate a highly detailed MetaHuman model.

Customize the MetaHuman's visual attributes, including hair, eyes, clothing, and other intricate details.

Integration of LLM (ChatGPT or Bard) into Unreal Engine

Integrate the language model (LLM) - whether ChatGPT, Bard, or an alternative - into Unreal Engine using an API interface.

Implement API calls within Unreal Engine, utilizing either HTTP requests or a dedicated plugin for efficient communication.

Voice Input, Speech-to-Text, and Facial Animation

Leverage Unreal Engine's built-in audio and speech recognition capabilities.

Develop a speech-to-text system to transcribe spoken input.

Convert the transcribed text into nuanced facial animations, incorporating lip sync and emotive expressions.

Consider using specialized software to achieve high-fidelity lip syncing results.

System Construction

Create a blueprint or codebase within Unreal Engine to manage user input, handle API interactions, and synchronize facial animations with linguistic responses.

Implement a dynamic dialogue system that can effectively handle responses generated by the language model.

Hosting as HTML5

Export the project using Unreal Engine's HTML5 export functionality to prepare it for web deployment.

Host the HTML5 project on a designated domain or web server to make it accessible online.

Deployment to Play Store and App Store

Package the project into Android (APK) format for deployment on the Google Play Store.

Package the project into iOS format for submission to the Apple App Store.

Adhere to the submission guidelines of each platform to ensure compliance with app store regulations.

Considerations and Optimization

Carefully review licensing agreements, particularly those pertaining to OpenAI's API usage.

Optimize the project for performance, especially considering resource constraints on mobile platforms.

Comply with all relevant legal considerations, particularly those regarding AI models and data privacy.

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article about this detailed explained and simple

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Sure, here is a simplified article about creating a real-time interactive character using Luma AI, MetaHuman Creator, and ChatGPT:

Bring Your Characters to Life with Luma AI, MetaHuman Creator, and ChatGPT

In the realm of interactive storytelling and immersive experiences, the ability to create lifelike characters that can engage in real-time conversations is a highly sought-after goal. By combining the capabilities of Luma AI, MetaHuman Creator, and ChatGPT, you can bring your characters to life with remarkable detail and interactivity.

Luma AI: Capturing Reality

Luma AI is a powerful tool for capturing real-world environments and people in high fidelity. Using Gaussian splatting, a technique that renders surfaces with extreme detail, Luma AI can faithfully capture even the most intricate features. This captured data can then be exported in FBX or OBJ format, making it compatible with Unreal Engine's MetaHuman framework.

MetaHuman Creator: Crafting Lifelike Avatars

Unreal Engine's MetaHuman Creator is a state-of-the-art tool for generating highly detailed and realistic 3D characters. With a vast library of customizable options, you can tailor your MetaHuman's appearance to match your desired character, from their facial features and hair to their clothing and accessories.

ChatGPT: Infusing Characters with Intelligence

ChatGPT, a large language model from OpenAI, provides the linguistic intelligence to power your character's conversations. Through its API, you can integrate ChatGPT into Unreal Engine, allowing your character to respond to user input in a natural and engaging way.

Unveiling the Process

Capture Reality with Luma AI: Employ Luma AI to capture the visual elements of your character, ensuring a high level of detail and realism.

Craft a Lifelike Avatar with MetaHuman Creator: Utilize MetaHuman Creator to design your character's appearance, meticulously customizing every aspect of their physical traits.

Integrate ChatGPT for Linguistic Intelligence: Integrate ChatGPT's API into your Unreal Engine project, enabling your character to engage in real-time conversations with users.

Voice Input and Facial Animation: Leverage Unreal Engine's audio and speech recognition capabilities to transcribe user input and translate it into nuanced facial animations.

System Construction and Dialogue Management: Develop a robust system within Unreal Engine to manage user interactions, API calls, and facial animation synchronization.

Hosting and Deployment: Package your project for web deployment using Unreal Engine's HTML5 export functionality. Alternatively, package it for mobile platforms as an APK for Android or an IPA for iOS.

Considerations and Optimization

Carefully review licensing agreements, particularly those pertaining to OpenAI's API usage.

Optimize your project for performance, especially when considering resource constraints on mobile platforms.

Adhere to relevant legal considerations, particularly those regarding AI models and data privacy.


Title: Crafting Real-Time Interactive Characters: A Comprehensive Guide Using Luma AI, MetaHuman Creator, and ChatGPT


In the dynamic world of interactive storytelling, creating characters that not only look but also behave like real individuals is a captivating endeavor. This article explores the integration of Luma AI, MetaHuman Creator, and ChatGPT to breathe life into characters with unprecedented detail and interactivity.

Luma AI: Capturing Reality with Precision

Luma AI, a potent tool for capturing real-world environments, employs Gaussian splatting to render intricate surfaces. This technique ensures the faithful reproduction of even the most detailed features. Exportable in FBX or OBJ formats, the captured data seamlessly integrates with Unreal Engine's MetaHuman framework.

MetaHuman Creator: Sculpting Lifelike Avatars

Unreal Engine's MetaHuman Creator stands at the forefront of 3D character generation. Armed with a comprehensive library of customizable options, it allows creators to meticulously design every facet of a character, from facial features to clothing and accessories.

ChatGPT: Infusing Intelligent Conversations

ChatGPT, an OpenAI language model, brings linguistic intelligence to the mix. Through its API, ChatGPT seamlessly integrates into Unreal Engine, empowering characters to engage in natural and captivating real-time conversations.

Unveiling the Process:

Capture Reality with Luma AI:

Utilize Luma AI to capture the visual essence of your character, ensuring an unparalleled level of detail and realism.

Craft a Lifelike Avatar with MetaHuman Creator:

Leverage MetaHuman Creator to meticulously customize every physical aspect of your character, ensuring a truly unique and lifelike appearance.

Integrate ChatGPT for Linguistic Intelligence:

Seamlessly integrate ChatGPT's API into your Unreal Engine project, unlocking the power of intelligent and dynamic conversations.

Voice Input and Facial Animation:

Harness Unreal Engine's audio and speech recognition capabilities to transcribe user input and translate it into nuanced facial animations, complete with lip sync and emotional expressions.

System Construction and Dialogue Management:

Develop a robust system within Unreal Engine to efficiently manage user interactions, API calls, and the synchronization of facial animations with linguistic responses.

Hosting and Deployment:

Package your project for web deployment using Unreal Engine's HTML5 export functionality. Alternatively, prepare it for mobile platforms as an APK for Android or an IPA for iOS.

Considerations and Optimization:

Carefully scrutinize licensing agreements, particularly those related to OpenAI's API usage.

Optimize your project for peak performance, especially when considering the potential resource constraints on mobile platforms.

Adhere to all relevant legal considerations, especially those pertaining to AI models and data privacy.

This comprehensive guide empowers creators to embark on the journey of crafting compelling, real-time interactive characters that captivate audiences through their authenticity and responsiveness.


a article about Luma AI: Capturing Reality with Precision


Title: Luma AI: Elevating Realism through Precision in Scene Capture


In the rapidly evolving landscape of visual technologies, Luma AI emerges as a groundbreaking solution, pushing the boundaries of precision in scene capture. This article delves into the capabilities of Luma AI, exploring how it captures reality with unparalleled detail and fidelity, setting a new standard in immersive content creation.

The Power of Luma AI:

Luma AI harnesses cutting-edge techniques, with Gaussian splatting at the forefront. This advanced rendering method allows for the meticulous capture of real-world scenes, ensuring that every surface, contour, and detail is faithfully replicated in the digital realm. By employing a data-driven approach, Luma AI excels in capturing the intricacies that often elude traditional capture methods.

Gaussian Splatting: Precision in Every Pixel:

At the heart of Luma AI's capability lies Gaussian splatting, a technique that enables the rendering of surfaces with extraordinary detail. Unlike conventional methods, Gaussian splatting considers the varying density of data points, resulting in a more accurate representation of the captured scene. This nuanced approach ensures that even the subtlest features are preserved, from textures to lighting nuances.

Compatibility with Unreal Engine's MetaHuman Framework:

Luma AI's flexibility extends to its export functionality, allowing seamless integration with Unreal Engine's MetaHuman framework. By exporting captured data in formats such as FBX or OBJ, creators can effortlessly incorporate Luma AI's high-fidelity scenes into their MetaHuman projects, enriching virtual environments with a level of realism that transcends expectations.

Applications Across Industries:

The precision offered by Luma AI finds applications across diverse industries. From film and gaming to virtual production and architectural visualization, the ability to capture reality with such meticulous detail opens new avenues for creative expression and practical problem-solving.

Future Implications:

As Luma AI continues to evolve, its implications for the future of content creation are profound. The ability to capture reality with precision not only enhances the quality of virtual experiences but also accelerates the convergence of the digital and physical worlds.

In Conclusion:

Luma AI stands as a testament to the ever-advancing landscape of artificial intelligence and computer vision. By mastering the art of capturing reality with unprecedented precision, Luma AI empowers creators to push the boundaries of what is possible in the realm of immersive and lifelike digital content. As the technology evolves, the impact of Luma AI is poised to reverberate across industries, shaping the way we perceive and interact with virtual environments.


a artcicle about MetaHuman Creator: Sculpting Lifelike Avatars


Title: MetaHuman Creator: A Pinnacle in Avatar Realism Through Sculpting Mastery


In the dynamic realm of digital character creation, Unreal Engine's MetaHuman Creator stands as a revolutionary tool, enabling creators to sculpt lifelike avatars with unprecedented detail and realism. This article explores the prowess of MetaHuman Creator in crafting characters that transcend the boundaries between the digital and the tangible, setting a new standard for avatar creation.

Unleashing the Potential of MetaHuman Creator:

MetaHuman Creator emerges as a cutting-edge solution, offering an extensive suite of tools for generating highly detailed and realistic 3D characters. From facial features to clothing and accessories, MetaHuman Creator empowers creators to sculpt avatars with an unparalleled level of customization and nuance.

A Vast Library of Customizable Options:

The heart of MetaHuman Creator lies in its vast library of customizable options. Creators can meticulously design every facet of a character, ensuring that each avatar is a unique expression of creative intent. From the subtle nuances of facial expressions to the intricacies of hairstyle and wardrobe, MetaHuman Creator provides an expansive canvas for artistic exploration.

Realism Redefined:

MetaHuman Creator's attention to detail is a game-changer in the pursuit of realism. The tool goes beyond surface-level aesthetics, delving into the subtleties that define human expression. Creators can manipulate parameters such as wrinkles, skin imperfections, and micro-expressions, resulting in avatars that exude authenticity and lifelike qualities.

Seamless Integration with Unreal Engine:

One of MetaHuman Creator's strengths is its seamless integration with Unreal Engine. The avatars crafted in MetaHuman Creator can be effortlessly imported into Unreal Engine projects, providing creators with a direct pathway to incorporate these realistic characters into their games, simulations, or cinematic experiences.

Applications Across Industries:

The versatility of MetaHuman Creator extends across a spectrum of industries. From the entertainment sector, where realistic characters enhance the storytelling experience, to virtual production and architectural visualization, MetaHuman Creator becomes a cornerstone for elevating the quality and impact of digital content.

The Future of Avatar Creation:

As MetaHuman Creator continues to evolve, its implications for the future of avatar creation are profound. The tool not only democratizes the creation of realistic characters but also serves as a catalyst for innovation in industries where lifelike avatars are pivotal for immersive experiences.

In Conclusion:

MetaHuman Creator emerges as a beacon in the landscape of digital character creation, offering a level of sculpting mastery that redefines the possibilities of avatar realism. As creators continue to push the boundaries of what can be achieved in the digital realm, MetaHuman Creator stands as a testament to the convergence of technology and artistry, providing a transformative platform for bringing lifelike avatars to the forefront of interactive and visual experiences.


a article about meta humans talking: ChatGPT: Infusing Intelligent Conversations


Title: ChatGPT: Redefining Conversational Realism in MetaHumans


In the ever-evolving landscape of interactive digital experiences, the fusion of advanced language models and lifelike avatars has ushered in a new era of intelligent conversations. This article explores the transformative impact of ChatGPT in infusing MetaHumans with the ability to engage in dynamic, intelligent, and natural conversations.

ChatGPT: A Language Model Powerhouse:

ChatGPT, developed by OpenAI, represents a paradigm shift in natural language processing. This sophisticated language model, built on the GPT (Generative Pre-trained Transformer) architecture, serves as the linguistic intelligence behind MetaHumans, empowering them to comprehend and generate human-like responses in real-time.

Seamless Integration with Unreal Engine:

One of the key strengths of ChatGPT lies in its seamless integration with Unreal Engine, the powerhouse behind MetaHuman creation. Through the utilization of ChatGPT's API, developers can effortlessly embed this language model into their projects, enabling MetaHumans to engage in intelligent and contextually relevant conversations with users.

Dynamic Conversations Unveiled:

The synergy between MetaHumans and ChatGPT results in dynamic conversations that go beyond scripted interactions. ChatGPT's ability to understand context, generate coherent responses, and adapt to the nuances of language provides a level of interactivity that is unprecedented in the realm of digital characters.

Realism in Dialogue Construction:

ChatGPT's contribution to the realism of MetaHuman conversations is profound. By imbuing avatars with the ability to respond intelligently to user input, including understanding queries, providing relevant information, and even infusing a touch of personality, the overall user experience is elevated to new heights.

Facial Expressions, Lip Sync, and Emotional Nuances:

The integration of ChatGPT extends beyond text-based responses. MetaHumans, powered by ChatGPT, can synchronize their facial expressions, incorporate lip sync functionality, and convey a spectrum of emotions in response to the nuances of the conversation. This multi-modal approach adds layers of authenticity to the interactive experience.

Unlocking Creative Possibilities:

ChatGPT's integration into MetaHumans unlocks a myriad of creative possibilities. From interactive storytelling and gaming to virtual companionship and educational simulations, the fusion of advanced language understanding and lifelike avatars broadens the scope of what is achievable in the digital landscape.

Looking Ahead:

As ChatGPT and similar language models continue to evolve, the future holds even greater promise for the intersection of intelligent conversations and virtual characters. The ongoing synergy between language models and avatars is poised to redefine how we interact with and experience digital environments.

In Conclusion:

ChatGPT's role in infusing intelligent conversations into MetaHumans marks a significant milestone in the convergence of artificial intelligence and digital character creation. As the boundaries of what is possible in interactive storytelling and virtual experiences continue to expand, ChatGPT stands as a trailblazer in crafting a new frontier of dynamic and engaging conversations within the realm of MetaHumans.


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